Our People

Dr. Arthur Situm

Call: 306-585-4698 (office)

Email: Arthur.Situm@uregina.ca

Dr. Arthur Situm

BSc., MSc., PhD.
Assistant Professor, Tier 2 CRC SMR Safety and Licensing
Energy Systems Engineering
University of Regina

Assistant Professor at the University of Regina within the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Energy Systems Engineering program. Prof. Situm’s group will investigate challenges surrounding the corrosion or corrosiveness of nuclear fuel proposed for use in various SMR designs in order to improve the safety and support the licensing of these SMR designs.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Kamil Chadirji-Martinez

PhD, M.Sc, B.Sc

Email: kamil.chadirji-martinez@uregina.ca

    Graduate Students


    Brett Pikkert

    MASc Student

    Email: bpg087@uregina.ca


      Daniel Slogoski

      B.Eng Student

      Email: drs993@uregina.ca


        Zoe Hoyda

        MASc Student

        Email: zoe.hoyda@uregina.ca

          Undergraduate Students


          Michael Palsich

          B.Eng Student

          Email: palsicmi@uregina.ca

            Research Staff

            Mehdi Alipour

            Research Associate

            Email: mehdi.mohammad@uregina.ca